Oct - Jan


Webinar: Implementing Effective Institutional-based Cognitive Behavioral Interventions

This National Reentry Resource Center webinar, held on February 29, 2012, helped policymakers and practitioners better understand how to design and implement “behind-the-wall” treatment programs that research has proven effective. The webinar featured a presentation by Kathleen Gnall, an independent consultant with extent with extensive experience working with criminal justice professionals, policymakers, community and business leaders, social service providers, and members of faith-based and non-profit organizations to enhance public safety while improving individual outcomes. To download a copy of the…

Past Event
October 14, 2013,

This National Reentry Resource Center webinar, held on February 29, 2012, helped policymakers and practitioners better understand how to design and implement “behind-the-wall” treatment programs that research has proven effective. The webinar featured a presentation by Kathleen Gnall, an independent consultant with extent with extensive experience working with criminal justice professionals, policymakers, community and business leaders, social service providers, and members of faith-based and non-profit organizations to enhance public safety while improving individual outcomes. To download a copy of the PowerPoint slides used in this presentation, click here.

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